Treat Meal Day!

So someone along my travels has suggested that I have a treat meal once a week. So today was my day I picked. I love Vietnamese food. LOVE, LOVE it. So I thought that I would order that in and enjoy it. Well today also was the day I forgot to bring my lunch to work, so I went without food from 6:30am – 5:00pm. I order some food, but then I had a tuna sandwich. So I only ate the rolls that I ordered and now I am sad I did not wait, but I did not eat for almost 12 hours, so I did not treat myself very well today. I stopped myself from gorging, plus side!!!! I now have some food for tomorrow, but I may just give it away to family.

From myfood journals I have learned that I do not eat enough during the day and that I need to eat more snacks. I starve myself and need to cut that shit out. It is not helping me in the evening. Lessons learned.